Progress of Augmented SmartWatch Pro and the Pebble

Version 3.8 is the first step in optimizing for the Pebble


Google Now on the Pebble


Location based weather on the Pebble:


GMail – Sender, Subject and Body (Rooted Phone)


Phone Battery Status on the Pebble


User Reviews for Augmented SmartWatch Pro on the Pebble:

“Instant value on the Pebble Instantly adds more value to the Pebble. Notifications for tons more apps … awesome!”

“I had to buy another app to get some of the other notifications to work. Augmented Smartwatch Pro”

“I tested the trial and then bought it. The official Pebble software will probably get better with time and moot the purchase, but it is worth $4 to have all of the extended notifications right now.”

“Just the app I needed. My Pebble came in the mail and I knew there wasn’t going to be third party notification support for Touchdown. Enter Augmented SmartWatch Pro. Instantly got what I wanted from the app. Any notification that hits the bar can be pushed to the watch. Random third party app? No problem. Google+ Messenger updates? Boom, on my wrist. Weather, Touchdown, sports updates”

“That app is awesome!” and “Looking around a bit more I found exactly what I wanted in an app called Augmented Smartwatch Pro.  I believe this app was initially developed for the Sony Smartwatch, but as noted on the developer’s site, it actually can handle quite a few watches with Pebble being the latest and getting some great attention. It’s well worth the few bucks to enhance the watch.”

“First off, I’m sure a lot of emails to you start off this way, great app. It fills the need I had for pushing various notifications to my Pebble.”

Update Feb 5th:

Interesting video @ DroidLife where they show how multiple notifications work. It is better than I thought in that a more recent notification will be displayed right away on the Pebble – thereby overwriting the notification in progress. 

What this means is that (until/if Pebble does something about this), a client (3rd party app like Augmented SmartWatch Pro) could “pace”out the notifications instead thereby have a more pleasant user experience (similar to what the Augmented SmartWatch Pro app does with the Sony today)!  This will be in Version 3.7 and is available in the trial version.

Version 3.7 of Augmented SmartWatch Pro now officially supports the Pebble Smart Watch!

Click here to see what is coming in the next release of Augmented SmartWatch Pro for the Pebble Smart Watch


  • Market Link to Augmented SmartWatch Pro for the Pebble Smart Watch
  • Trial Version of 3.7 for Pebble @
  • Direct integration with Notify My Android for true real-time Web updates
  • With optional Root support, can get every chat message in WhatsApp, Sender Subject and Preview of GMail and Exchange emails (video on other watches shown below for WhatsApp):

  • Hyper-Local Weather information (North America)
  • Weather information – Current Conditions, Low and High Temp, Current Location (automatic based on location)
    • Weather notification (if enabled) is formatted specifically for the Pebble (as shown in the above pic)
  • Fitbit Battery Status added to Fitbit Status details
  • Option to send the extra info (weather, fitbit, etc) as a separate notification after each new notification (for a true hands-free experience)
  • Integration with Withings, Fitbit and Klout
  • Option to append Weather, Withings, Klout, Fitbit,  Calendar and Battery Indicator text information to Notifications sent to the Pebble. Only one of these will be sent in one notification.  The information will cycle thru all enabled options: Notification 1 with Weather, Notification 2 with Klout, Notification 3 with Withings, etc and repeat. Option is enabled by default (can be disabled in Pebble settings). Each individual option (Weather, Klout, etc) can be configured individually to be included in the cycle.
  • Almost all notifications shown in your status bar can be sent to the Pebble with Augmented SmartWatch Pro – thereby removing the limitation of only a small set of supported notifications that is currently support by the original Pebble app!
  • Some notifications are “optimized” to eliminate duplicate notifications based on real-world use cases and tuning. Some (like Google Navigation) can be configured via settings. See here for more info
  • Option to insert a delay period between notifications (so that newer notifications do not immediately interrupt a prior notification)
  • Potentially more information on notifications for the following
    • Skype,
    • Google Navigation
    • WhatsApp
    • Gmail
    • Exchange Email
    • Spotify
    • Pandora
    • LastFM
    • LiveScore Addicts
    • GrooveIP
    • Google Voice
    • Executive Assistant/Touchdown
    • Kik/Kakao & More
  • Quiet Time and Stealth modes are supported for the Pebble. Quiet Mode allows for notifications to be suppressed during the night time and Stealth mode will only show the Sender of notifications and not the details.
  • Future Updates will append additional information – at a glance towards the bottom of the watch: Wifi Signal, etc
  • Augmented SmartWatch provides for an open and very simple API to allow any 3rd party entity (like Tasker or other Android app) to send a notification to a Pebble at any time. The interface is very simple and is as follows:

    Android Intent – com.alk.k9.action.add

   Parameters: 1) sender 2) subject

   Tasker Task example  – note in the latest version of Tasker it is called Send Intent (it was Action Intent in older versions of Tasker). Note also the “Target” must be set to Service:

How to Setup Pebble Support in Augmented SmartWatch Pro:

  1. Enable accessibility for Augmented SmartWatch Pro (system settings->accessibility)
  2. Confirm that Pebble Notifications within the Augmented SmartWatch Pro app are enabled (open Augmented app on Android -> Settings->Pebble Watch Options->Enable Pebble (this is by enabled by default)
  3. To test – Open Augmented app on Android -> Menu -> Test Notification (this option sends a test message to the Pebble Watch)
  4. Select notifications to enable by opening the Augmented app on the Android->Settings->Notification Options (or Weather Options)

Note the Pebble Android App/SDK will still have the following restrictions:

  • No control of the vibration pattern for each notification (other than the default provided by the Pebble notification software)
  • No ability to automatically scroll through the notification (manual scrolling will be required)
  • No Concept of Widgets (like on the MetaWatch)
  • No apparent ability to auto-clear the notification from the watch to show the watch face (or whatever was previously being displayed on the Pebble). Update: based on the Verge review, it does appear to timeout (though the time to timeout or an actual demo of this was not provided)
  • Update (based on the Android Police Review) it appears that there is no timeout mechanism – i.e. a notification appears until manually cleared! This is not a good thing and I highly encourage the Pebble team to put in a timeout mechanism – to revert back to prior watchface in 20 seconds (or whatever timeout period is required). What is unclear is what happens when a 2nd notification arrives and a prior notification is showing on the Pebble. Is the 2nd notification delayed until the manual clear, or is it ignored?
    • The whole key concept of “hands-free” and “at a glance” is unfinished with the Pebble if indeed this is the intended behaviour (IMO)
    • Update: I am in direct contact with Eric (CEO of Pebble) and he assures me that this is being worked on already! This is fantastic news as this capability (plus the ability to send 1-bit graphics to the Pebble) may actually allow me to seriously consider retiring my Sony Smart Watch!
  • The IFTTT web triggers (I believe) will have a 15 minute delay as IFTTT queries it`s triggers even 15 minutes – so I would use Notify My Android instead to get true `real-time`web push updates

Note that Vibration settings do not affect the Pebble

Update Jan 31st

  • It works!!!! Market version 3.5.1 will work with the Pebble Watch – including Fitbit, Withings, Weather and more!
  • Thanks to the Internet someone was able to test for me and take these two pictures



Status Update:

  • Pebble finally released their Android app
    • It appears they will have their own GMail connection as they ask for the password to the account  (i.e. they do not use the native GMail app database). Which means battery life concerns on the Android and potentially not real push notifications (but polling). Not a good thing in general. They also have a “Default Email App” – not clear how this works across the various email clients (as there isn’t a standard defalt app between Samsung and HTC for example). Other notifications are GTalk, Google Voice, Calendar, Incoming phone calls and SMS messages – that’s it. Hence a huge potential opportunity for Augmented SmartWatch Pro
    • WhatsApp is now an option in the official Pebble Android app – but I wonder if it just provides a visual indicator that there is a chat message (and one needs to read the message on their Android phone) or if indeed the chat message shows up on the Pebble watch and for every chat message sent. 
    • After further investigation, I can confirm that the Pebble Android app does indeed support the “com.getpebble.action.SEND_NOTIFICATION” Broadcast Intent as documented in the API!
    • So Augmented SmartWatch Pro will issue the Intent with the Notification information. It remains to be seen what the Pebble software/watch will do with this information however.  


General Comments:

  • At this time, I don`t see the Pebble (at least right away) replacing my Sony or even my MetaWatch (due to lack of widgets and configurability on the Pebble).
  • The concept of  `hands-free`and àt a glance`seem to be missing on the Pebble (initially) – this is the killer use case (IMO) and this is the key objective of Augmented SmartWatch Pro. I also do not see myself investing the effort to do this within Augmented SmartWatch Pro for the Pebble.
  • I am not convinced that even 3rd party apps (on the Pebble) would be able to do interrupt the Pebble display and show a notification for only 7 seconds (for example). Their SDK may simply not allow this (and hence only their native apps can do this). I believe this may only be possible if the user has selected the 3rd party app as being `current`. Hopefully we will get clarity on this very soon.
    • Also if a watchface if just an app controlling the watch (and showing a `watch`), perhaps it is just an app. Hence an app could also show weather information on the Watchface also (or whatever information it wants to).
  • Based on the value Augemnted SmartWatch Pro will add for the Pebble, I still intend to raise the price a fair bit for the Pebble  (not necessarily with 3.5). I do expect to receive my two Pebbles very early in the shipping cycle as I did pledge on Kickstarter on Day 1 (April 11th), however based on the very slow shipping of Pebbles this looks like into Mid-February now.
  • Update: After further reflection, I believe all of the above can indeed be provided by a 3rd party app that would reside on the Pebble and communicating with multiple apps running on the Android via an open interface (including the concepts of widgets on the Pebble).
    • I am still inclined to not do this component (but would be happy to be one of the apps on the Android communicating with such an app on the Pebble – sort of how there is Community Edition for the MetaWatch, but in this case this app would run mostly on the Pebble watch directly).
    • The main reason is lack of (time) bandwidth and being too tied to the Pebble environment, moreover Pebble themselves may decide to start doing this. However I do believe that if someone were to develop this app on the Pebble and were to do this fast (e.g. within 3 months of the first shipments), then they could have a first-mover advantage for what could be the biggest SmartWatch seller ever (to date). Assuming one is technically competent, I don`t see it as being too difficult, but the key is to get the vision right (otherwise others will quickly copy and someone else will get it right).

66 thoughts on “Progress of Augmented SmartWatch Pro and the Pebble

  1. Please make this work for the I’m watch you can also put the app in there market and make good money they don’t have many apps at all and this would sale like hot cakes please get it to work.

    • Theoretically if you can load the app on the IMWatch it should work like the MotoACTV – simply Force it to be a MotoACTV mode . I think the issue with IMWatch is that getting the app onto their watch is a big challenge.

  2. Pingback: Can the Pebble replace both my Motoactv/MetaWatch + Sony SmartWatch? « Augmented SmartWatch Pro

  3. One additional thing your app should do: Within Whatsapp, to be able to discriminate which chats you want pushed to your phone and which you don’t. For instance, in my case, group messages are mostly irrelevant and don’t need to be pushed, whereas messages from individuals typical require immediate attention. Is this something that can be done?

    Thanks mate!

    • I looked into this and with Root access I believe (with the limited tests I can do) that I can filter group chats out. I can make it a configurable option (disabled by default). However I am worried it is too much of a hack – i.e it could easily break or not work. I am not part of any Whatsapp group to really test this. Is this an important feature to you?

  4. Hi Dev:
    I’d say it is. I’ve talked to many people -Whatsapp is extremely popular in Europe, not sure where you’re located- and this is key. Most of us even have these group’s audible notifications disabled (you cannot totally disable the notifications in status bar) since they are too much of an annoyance. Imagine 12 buddies there in the chat room talking nonsense and posting funny pictures; annoying if the timing is not right.

    But a Whatsapp from the wife asking to pick up milk may be essential to get on the watch. Thanks for looking into this.

    I tried to hook you up on twitter with the Pebble guys and Eric, I hope he drops you a note.

    We keep in touch and let me know if I can assist in any kind of testing -only have a SONY at this point but pre-ordered PW.


  5. I am loving what you are doing with Augmented. I just realized all my requested features are in :).. awesome.

    Just noticed the new update fixes the irritating skype notifications on call. Can you do the same for Viber and Tango as well? The watch keeps vibrating on call.

  6. Pingback: Pebble Smartwatch Review: A Rough Diamond In Need Of A Little Polish

    • Will do a review in a while (I have one delivered but will not be able to physically pick it up until Tuesday of next week) – latest snapshots were taken from someone in Austin with a Pebble and they helped me with a root-GMail issue that is fixed in 3.7. They were very kind to take the three snapshots at the top of this post for me.

  7. This app brings a whole new set of functionality to Pebble.

    I am super happy with Pebble so far, got it only a day ago and have been tinkering the heck out of it!! Used it first in conjunction with the stock pebble app, though limited in functionality I haven’t tripped across any bugs/issues. One thing I wasn’t too impressed about the stock app, is the delay in between the phone receiving a GMAIL notification and Pebble receiving it(more than couple secs).

    Watch review for the previous poster:
    Battery testing still in progress,

    Display viewing angles – 10% tilt depending on the lighting conditions will show colors and lines, not too bad but a better viewing angle would have been nicer. Polarized glasses produce the same effect. (couple of the pics above show that too)

    Watch fit and finish(including the watch band) – Could have been better, but the watch band can be easily replaced, I ordered one of the NATO watch strap($12 ebay) which should show up sometime next week.

    I started playing with Tasker for whatsapp messaging(extracting actual text), battery notifications and got it working, but there is so much more that can be done with Pebble.

    So I started looking on the web and tripped across Augmented Smartwatch a quick download of the trial and some tests proved that it offers much more than the stock app (Google Now notifications, viber, whatsapp, weather, Quiet Time(that’s my best part!!) and so on). I was running into some issues with root-Gmail previews, an email to the developer resulted in a quick reply and constant communication to get it resolved-Customer Service at its best!!

    Developer is definitely dedicated to improving functionality of Pebble and I sure hope the Pebble team opens up more API’s for consumption!

    Looking forward to future releases!

    • Thanks for the very insightful review – I will be testing the viewing angles with the Pebble next week. The Metawatch was not good with indoor lighting and frankly quite hard to see at times (which is one key reason why I keep using my Sony).

      The acid test for me is will the Pebble really allow me to replace my Sony watch.

      Also I know people want to know what Augmented offers over Pebble Notifier and other potential apps and I need to take the time to write it up someday. In the mean time reviews like this certainly help 🙂

    • Update on on Battery performance:

      My Pebble successfully lasted for a bit over 7days!! Which is awesome and satisfies my need 🙂

      This is with text, segment six watch faces and aprox 40-50 notifications a day and paired with Augmented Pro app on a Nexus 4.

  8. How about using unicode fonts? My Pebble is almost useless (except the notification) when receiving messages in Hebrew.
    You helped me once on this matter with the Sony. 😉

  9. Hi, first a big thanks for this app, it gives me everything I bought the Pebble for (as mentioned before the standard Pebble app is really limited in functionality, but makes this up by allowing third-party apps like this one). But as always there is still some room for improvement. The first one may be a little bug or glitch: I just activated the auto scroll feature in combination with re-showing the first part after the second, and so far it is working well. But if I receive a message which consists of only one screen, it is still repeated after the delay time (to show the first screen again). If there is only one screen, repeating it should not be necessary.
    I also use now the menu options A and B in the music app to control my media volume while playing music. But by using this I can’t see weather and phone information (battery and network strength) any more, as this is overwritten by the name of the Tasker trigger. It would be useful to switch off the naming for these buttons and get the original information instead (preferably as an option, as others may want to see the name of the trigger instead).
    And the last thing is again about the Tasker triggers: I use some options to switch between two modes (by reprogramming the option via Tasker), for example “Meeting on” and “Meeting off”, but I have named the triggers to show the actual status on the watch, not the action for the new one (i.e. normally I see “Meeting off” as the meeting mode is off, and if I select this I switch the meeting mode on). But this means that the trigger “Meeting off” switches the mode on and vice versa, which can be confusing while configuring Tasker. Maybe it is possible to select different entries for the trigger name and the text shown on the Pebble, for example by separating them in the option by some special character or having two separate fields, but in a way that both trigger and text can still be set via Tasker.

    • You should enable Intelligent Mode (right under Enable Pebble) it does the one screen optimization. Also disable show last notification last under advanced options (even if greyed out, you should disable it, if it does not work, turn on auto scroll to toggle it).

      Good suggestion re Tasker A+B will look into it.

      Was thinking of Update Tasker1:myTask1##Name to show

      i.e. use ## to optionally specify a name to show on Pebble (if it is provided otherwise revert back to original taskname)

      • The option “Show Notification Last” is actual what I want to use (re-showing the first part of the message again after the second part), and everything is ok if the message is long enough two parts – I get the first part, then the second, and then the first again – but if it is really short and there is no second part the first one is still repeated after the delay time, which is not necessary. Intelligent Mode is enabled, and is greyed out so I can’t toggle it.

      • Yanai – Something appears not right – can you disable enable pebble and re-enable to see if you can toggle the state of the Intelligent mode – this needs to be enabled and it gives you the behaviiour you are asking for.

      • Disabling and re-enabling Pebble did not work, but I couldn’t change Intelligent Mode because I had switched off “More Info” as I don’t want that info in every notification. I now have switched on both “More Info” and “Intelligent Mode” (the box was checked before, do you mean just because it was greyed out it was switch off nonetheless?) and will see if the behaviour has changed.

      • Okay, I have tested it now. With activated “More Info” if there is only a short message a condensed info is appended and the notification itself is not repeated. With longer messages I get at least two screens with a detailed info appended, and the first screen is repeated after everything else, which is as desired.
        With deactivated “More Info” I get no info at all, which is to be expected. Longer messages give me more screens with a repeat of the first, which is also fine. But with a short message I get one screen, which repeats itself after the delay time, and that is unnecessary and irritating (the watch vibrates again with the same message, and if I clear the message before the delay time, the message is shown again). It seems without intelligent mode there is no check if it is really necessary to repeat the first screen.

      • fixing this in next release intelligent mode will work without needing more info to be enabled

  10. I watched closely yr conversation with Yanai and I can confirm that the repeated messages are extremely annoying and battery consuming.Another example is while installing an app, the clock is vibrating countless times.

      • Calengoo would require tweaking to filter out – can I get the exact text of what you see during ever sync? hopefully it is exactly the same thing?

    • did you enable play store notification under all other notifications? I wonder if this could be the root of the install alerts.

      Appearing 2x is expected at times should be no issue.

  11. Hi.Love your app but I’ve found what I think is a small bug. Is there somewhere to submit bug reports for Augmented Smart Watch Pro?

    (The bug was introduced in the last update. Play/pause button pushes in music control are being sent to Google Listen as Next Track commands.)

    • Do you have intelligent mode on (in music options) and is this what you want?

      if not you should disable it.

      If you do want it on, note it only works if there is at least one notification of the new music app switching to for it to work right (otherwise it will still control the prior app selected).

      • Intelligent mode is on but that’s not the problem. The commands are being sent to the right music app – but the wrong commands are being sent. When I press the play/pause button the app is skipping to the next track instead.

  12. Can you confirm that it worked properly in the prior release?
    Also try a tap with a press hold a bit then release vs a tap which is quicker press and release (but a firm press to ensure the button down would be detected).


  13. Pingback: Pebble Smartwatch Review: A Rough Diamond In Need Of A Little Polish |

  14. Hi.

    I bought this app as I use K9 for email and wanted notifications with partial message text on my pebble watch – mail notifications from the stock mail app dont work with Pebble.

    All seems OK, but I always get duplicate notifications for email, Facebook updates etc.

    I’ve been through everything I can find about duplicate notifications and made the changes mentioned, but I am still getting duplicated of every notification on my watch.

    Is this something you have encountered before? Is there a fix?

    I’m using K9 mail on a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE, with a Pebble watch.


    • If you are getting double notifications on the Pebble Please do the following:

      Ensure auto-scroll is enabled
      Go to advanced options and turn show last notification off (even if off, turn on and turn off again)
      Restore auto-scroll to prior state –
      This should fix the issue.

  15. I have a Pebble and Galaxy S4. I use Touchdown and also set up an Exchange account for company e-mail. I cannot get my Exchange messages to show up on the Pebble. Can you point me to instructions for setting up ASP or do you have any suggestions?


    • Instructions for first time user:
      Pebble App – enable 3rd party notification
      Augmented app – enable Pebble, enable Touchdown under Optimized Notifications
      Ensure Test notification works (Menu in Augmented will show option).

  16. i bought your app last week, its great, one little issue with starting my older Tasker Tasks:
    Your VolUp and VolDown Task works great, but i have two tasks, one enabled bluetooth tethering, and another one disables is
    they are named: Bluetooth Tethering Aktivieren and Bluetooth Tethering Deaktiveren
    but they wont run via your app.
    Tasker says: Broadcast Error: Failed to execute Broadcast Task.
    Is there a limitation in character lenght and may i user spaces?

  17. Hello,
    I bought your app last week, its great, one little issue with starting my older Tasker Tasks:
    Your VolUp and VolDown Task works great, but i have two tasks, one enabled bluetooth tethering, and another one disables is
    they are named: Bluetooth Tethering Aktivieren and Bluetooth Tethering Deaktiveren
    but they wont run via your app.
    Tasker says: Broadcast Error: Failed to execute Broadcast Task.
    Is there a limitation in character lenght and may i user spaces?

    • the spaces may be the issue. Try this trick set the entry in settings to BluetoothTetheringAktivieren##Bluetooth Tethering Aktivieren

      You would need to rename the task in tasker to BluetoothTetheringAktivieren (but it is displayed on the Pebble with whatever you specified after the ##)


      • thanks for the reply, I had to shorten the name too, even the delivery from your app to tasker seemed to be okay as I read from the logs. But it couldn’t find its task. With BTTetherAn and BTTetherAus it works now fine.

  18. Hi,
    i have touchdown setup properly and can receive emails notification (sender and subject). However, there are no body of the email sent to the pebble.
    When will this feature be available?

    • at this time Touchdown does not provide access to this info to 3rd parties – hence it is not possible (with Touchdown and augmented)

  19. I’m running Kit Kat 4.4 on Moto X on Verizon, on my Galaxy S3 I was getting notifications, but now I don’t get anything but phone calls for notifications. I have successfully sent test notifications at times (seems to be inconsistent), but things like TouchDown and Hangouts or Gmail no longer send notifications. I’ve tried clearing the data and reinstalling AugmentedSWP but havent’ had much luck.

    Can anyone comment if they have this working on a similar setup?


    • is accessibility enabled for Augmented ? I fyou have not seen even one notification other than the test then this could be the issue.

      I have not heard any issues specific to 4.4. but I have not tested.


      • Yes I have it on for Augmented SmartWatch Pro and for Pebble. I’v also tried clearing the data but not had any further luck. I can’t get the music control to work either. I’m really confused as to what the issue could be. I’m more than happy to provide logs or whatever is necessary to help troubleshoot – I just need to know what to get and where to send it.

  20. have you enabled 3rd party apps in the pebble app and selected augmented as the default music app in the Pebble android app?

  21. I’m having trouble getting Exchange emails to show up on my Pebble. It showed up when I first downloaded Augmented, but it has not worked since then. Maybe I turned off a specific option?

    I am running 4.2 on a Galaxy S4.
    All other notifications work (as far as I can tell), and the Test Notification works
    In the Pebble App,third party notification is checked
    In the Augmented app – ‘Enable Pebble’ is checked, and under Optimized Notifications, ‘Exchange or Enhanced Email(..’ and ‘Exchange Email’ are both checked.

    What am I missing??

    • try disabling “Exchange or Enhanced email”

      If still no go – also disable the Exchange email (in optimized notifications) but enable Exchange under all other notifications (you may need to enable alt info)

      Exchange changes things depending on Android email version and android version – hence so many permutations.

  22. Quick feature request (Canvas Plugin):
    In addition to the existing Fitbit Battery option %c that displays High, Medium or Low, would it be possible to add and additional Battery option that would be numeric? (For instance High = 3, Medium = 2, Low = 1, N/A = 0)

    The idea being that one could then utilize the new Dynamic Layer option of Canvas 2.0 to create more visual, creative and space saving options (i.e. %C/3).

    Thank you!

  23. Pingback: Pebble Smartwatch Review: A Rough Diamond In Need Of A Little Polish | SameAPK Article

  24. My app has stopped working my sony watch is this possible to fix phone went ongactory settings hope you can help cant retreive both apps sony not on

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